Crape Myrtle Tree

This is a very rare sight: a pine tree growing out of a crape myrtle tree. In Japanese, the name for the crape myrtle means the “tree that is slippery for monkeys.” A sticky substance extracted from the sap of pine trees is used to make a powder called “anti-slip powder” that athletes use to stop their hands from slipping. So, some parents who have a child preparing for entrance exams come to see this unusual tree and pray that their child doesn’t “slip” in the exams.

Kozan Park Map

- Rurikoji Temple Five-Storied Pagoda
- Rurikoji Temple
- Chinryutei
- Rozando Tea House
- Nightingale Flagstones
- Kozan Cemetery
- Bust of Sesshu
- Statue of Ouchi Hiroyo
- Crape Myrtle Tree
- Restroom
- Parking
- Audio guide
- recommended walking route
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Background Music Credits
TAM Music Factory tam-y06 『御伽草子』 (Otogi zoshi—Fairytale Book)